The most tangible result of the AB model in the dissemination of science and technology is the construction of houses utilising cost effective and appropriate technology. The pivotal agencies which spearhead this mission are the Building Centre, Centre for Technology and Development , SPP Architects, Prakriti Green, Habitat Initiative, Institute of Habitat Education and Habitat Alliance . Similarly a network of Applied Technology and Training Centres take technology from lab to land in areas such as eco-friendly lifestyles, non-conventional energy, energy efficiency & conservation, sustainable agriculture, sustainable land use and waste management, water conservation and management, food, health & green Pharmacy, environment friendly transportation, eco- tourism.

In order to propagate science and technology in society the AB Model relies on establishing dynamic partnership among research institutions, industry, non-governmental organisations and the end users. Dissemination and extension activities are organised through womens’ organisations, youth clubs, educational institutions and NGOs. Books and literature on science and technology in the vernacular are produced and circulated among the public. Through advocacy functions, government and decision makers are prevailed upon to take policy and legislative measures which would further the application of science and technology in the development process. The AB model has received many awards for the application for science and technology such as